Five Cards, One Story

Five Card Flickr was certainly a game of chance. I found myself anxiously waiting as each round of images popped up, my head filling with potential stories and intricate characters. My five image story came rather naturally to me, especially going back to the theme of my blog.

Five Card Story: Where does my water come from?

a Five Card Flickr story created by AprilShowersMayFlower

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by bionicteaching

A child asked her mother how the plants she sees every week in a restaurant grow. Her mother then explains that the plant needs water to grow, but the child was not satisfied. “Where does the water come from?” she implored of her mother. Her mother then explained that the water comes from the ocean to the near by bay, it then goes through pipes and filters where it becomes available to us through faucets. The owners of the restaurant have to get the water from the faucet to water the plants. The child thought about the path of the plant’s water as she admired the plant and the rest of the family was able to eat their meal in peace in the restaurant.

I wanted to illustrate the path that water takes to grow the plant that became my first image. I found myself thinking that this was too simple of a story, but I realized that the point of Five Card Flickr is not to write a novel, but to open the mind to the possibilities of stories and themes in the most random of circumstances.

3 thoughts on “Five Cards, One Story

  1. Pingback: And It Finally Feels Like Spring | aprilshowersmayflower

  2. You really brought these together well, and I really like the way you introduced a character for the story perspective, and one we never see in the photos

    (And a million sorries, for some reason I was not getting updates from your blog, so you will get a spurt of late comments).

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